Learning Through Play



キッズスクールでは、這いつくばったり、上ったり、ジャンプした り、踊ったりまたゲームしたりと身体をいっぱい動かします。これは身 体のフィットネスとバランスを促すだけではなく、チームワークや社会 性を発達させます。

At Kidschool, children can use their muscles and bodies for crawling, climbing, jumping, dancing, and playing games. This develops physical fitness and coor- dination and encourages team work and social interaction.

Kidschool Expression

Explore & Express

毎日の戸外の活動に加えて、室内のプレイエリアは感覚的探求、一人 遊びや自己表現を促します。アートセンターでは多彩なアートの材料を 使って実験できるよう提供されます。

In addition to daily outdoor play, our indoor play areas encourage sensory exploration, independent play and self-expression. Our art centers provide opportunities for children to experiment using art materials.


Understand Routine

毎日のルーチンには個人的なものとグループ的活動があります。先生 たちは子どもがルーチンを理解したり、精神的や身体的なバランス感覚 を発達させるために優しく指導いたします。ルーチンを通して、お子様 は先生の話にきちんと耳を傾ける、指示に従う、秩序立った行動、衛生 概念や他者への共感など貴重な社会性を身につけます。

Our daily routine includes both individual and group activities. Teachers gently help your child understand routines and provide activities for their mental and physical development. Through routine, children learn valuable social skills such as listening to the teacher, following instructions, orderly conduct, personal hy- giene and empathy for others.

Kidschool-Relax and Enjy the Friendsy


キッズスクールでは、登校する子どもたちを先生のあたたかいハグで迎え入れ ます。そのため、子どもたちはすぐにリラックスして溶け込むことができます。 毎日のルーチンには、一人遊びの時間がたっぷりあるため、子どもたちはリラッ クスして、自由にコミュニケーションを取ることができます。私たちの教室は、 先生が本の読み聞かせや物語を話したり、会話をできる広々とした静かで居心地 が良い作りとなっています。

When a child comes to our school they are greeted by a teacher with a warm hug and soon relax. The daily routine allows for plenty of independant play time where children can relax and communicate freely. Our rooms are spacious and have quiet, cozy places where children and teachers can read books, tell sto- ries, or have conversations.




During Freeplay time, children can relax and have independent play with teachers and students. Children’s play has three distinct stages depending on their age. Sensorimotor (0–2), Symbolic/Dramatic play (2–6) and Constructive play (4–6). An excellent example of symbolic/dramatic play is when children enact their home life by making pretend food for each other. Children soon learn to express themselves in a variety of natural ways.


Moving to Music


Circletimes are group activities. Children sing songs, do finger play and chant together. They play games, hold hands, make friends and develop gross motor skills during active games. To develop listening and speaking, our circletime songs use simple and clear language and repetitive words and actions that are easy to follow and fun.




Our art centers provide an amazing range of sensorimotor experiences for young children, who love to explore by touching different textures, or by squeezing, poking, sticking or moving things with their fingers. Children develop excellent hand/eye coordination and self-confidence by learning to use various art tools.

Kidschool-Learning-Life Skill

Life Skills


In our food center children experience learning with all five senses. The activities stimulate touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, and introduce children to new foods in a fun way. Children learn alphabet shapes and phonics, math concepts (counting, measuring and sorting), science concepts (cause and effect), patience, manners and pride in accomplishment.




In our reading center, children easily learn to read and write before they enter grade school. Teachers monitor their progress carefully in order to let them develop their reading skills at their own pace. Through a combination of play and study, children increase their vocabulary, learn phonics (letter sounds), alphabet shapes and sequence, three-letter work blending and grammar.


Show and Tell


Each week, children create a journal page about a concept taught at school. During Journal time, children have a chance to show and tell other children and teachers about their family life at home.




The sound of someone reading words fascinates small children. During our daily story time, teachers read English books out loud to help children develop advanced language and listening skills.

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